Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor

Spread the Word It’s time to bring back sanity into this 2024 Presidential election. I’m not surprised to hear people saying, “Why should I bother to vote?”Can’t blame them if they feel that they [...] Continue Reading

Letter to the Editor

Not Rocket Science The solution to the immigration problem, if we really want to solve it, is not rocket science. If the immigration problem is caused by political and economic oppression in other [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Trumpism Is Rebranded Racism! Amid this brouhaha about Trump the loser, Trump the leader, Trump the owner of the Right Wing, etc., etc., etc., the underlying question we are missing is: “What is [...] Continue Reading

Letter to the Editor

For a Taxpayers Revolt Israel’s retaliation on Gaza for the horrific Hamas attack of Oct. 7 has devastated its civilian population and infrastructure. It has continued unabated for almost six [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Kudos to Columnist I am the author of two books. I am contacting you about “Another Fresno Opportunity” (January 2024 issue) written by Ruth Gadebusch. Born and raised in Fresno, I have never had [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Stop Killing People With Our Tax Money I recently sent a note to Rep. Jim Costa about the bombardment in the Middle East—not a “war” when one side is bombing the shit out of the other side, [...] Continue Reading

Letter to the Editor

Planned Destruction? Democracy is in peril. Whether from Donald Trump, the Tea Party/MAGA/Republican Party, ambivalent independents or complacent (or willfully ignorant) Democrats, the future of [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

On Senate Candidate Barbara Lee “If the U.S. can fund an $886 billion defense budget, we can afford Medicare for All. If the U.S. can fund an $886 billion defense budget, we can afford the Green [...] Continue Reading

Letter to the Editor

Ceres Paper Trump-Focused The quaint, culturally deficient municipality of Ceres in Stanislaus County is the unfortunate home of what could well be the worst weekly newspaper in America—the Ceres [...] Continue Reading

Letter to the Editor

Consequences of Hate and Racism With a broad mind and understanding, let your intellect grasp these truths, which will enable you to be a better human being. We are not born with a hateful bone in [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Re “Kill the Poor” These [Fresno] City Council members are the worst of the worst! So you are trying to sweep the problem under the rug instead of fixing the problem. I thought your job was to make [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

More on Clovis Regarding “Clovis Is Not in Compliance with Housing Laws” (May 2023 issue): It’s amazing that a town with that many churches has so little charity, compassion, goodwill toward [...] Continue Reading