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  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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Logrando Mi Sueño Anhelado

Por Laura Ledesma ¿Cómo es que una mujer mexicana proveniente de un pueblito michoacano es una maestra de una escuela secundaria en California? La respuesta es sencilla, con dedicación. Al igual que [...] Continue Reading

Editoral – Marzo 2018

Por Lourdes Oliva En lo que va del 2018 la comunidad migrante del valle central ha tenido que soportar más de un susto de ser deportados o buscados por parte de “ICE” por sus siglas en inglés [...] Continue Reading

Amor Más Allá de las Fronteras

By Raquel Enríquez G. La realidad y los lazos de afecto entre las personas son más fuertes que cualquier discurso presidencial. Mientras las palabras del presidente norteamericano se empeñan en [...] Continue Reading

Women’s March Fresno #HearOurVote

More than 1,500 Fresnans convened in the River Park area to commemorate the first anniversary of the Women’s March. A slate of dynamic speakers energized the crowd at a rally preceding the march. Many [...] Continue Reading

Selling Out Jobs

By Art Rodriguez The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) sold out our jobs. By spearheading the American Competitiveness Act, the DOD became the responsible party for the biggest job-killer in our [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – February 2018

By Michael D. Evans At a recent Fresno City Council meeting prior to a vote on an industrial park project, District 2 City Council Member Steve Brandau admonished one of the community groups [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – February 2018

Understanding West Fresno I want to thank Kevin Hall (“A Fresno Epiphany,” December 2017 Community Alliance) for highlighting an issue that Black and Brown West Fresno residents have known for a long [...] Continue Reading