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Death Without the Possibility of Parole

Community Alliance Writer Thrown in the Hole (Again) By Mike Rhodes Days before going to press we learned that our colleague Boston Woodard has been put into solitary confinement. Woodard, who writes [...] Continue Reading

The Guilty Governor and the Prison Boom

By Catherine Campbell (Author’s note: This is part two and the last section of an article that began in the November issue of the Community Alliance. Part one covered the period of California prison [...] Continue Reading

The Guilty Governor and the Prison Boom

By Catherine Campbell (Author’s note: This is part one of a two-part series on the history of the California prison boom. Part two will appear in the November issue of the Community Alliance.) Our [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

We are proud to announce the publication this month of Boston Woodard’s first book, Inside the Broken California Prison System, which is based on a series of articles written for the Community [...] Continue Reading

A Welcomed Visitor

By Boston Woodard An event that prisoners look forward to in many penitentiaries is a visit from special guest speakers who volunteer to offer advice, guidance, assistance and encouragement. Guest [...] Continue Reading

Reporting from Inside

[Editor’s note: The Community Alliance is proud to present the following article, which is the introduction to the book Boston has written, scheduled to be published this summer. Boston’s book is a [...] Continue Reading