Death Without the Possibility of Parole

Death Without the Possibility of Parole
Boston Woodard

Community Alliance Writer Thrown in the Hole (Again)
By Mike Rhodes

Days before going to press we learned that our colleague Boston Woodard has been put into solitary confinement. Woodard, who writes for this newspaper about conditions inside the California state prison system, has been punished repeatedly as he sends his firsthand reports to us. Because reporters are no longer able to freely interview prisoners, we need to rely on journalists such as Woodard to write about what they are experiencing.

In what appears to be retaliation for telling our readers what is happening, Woodard writes, ā€œIā€™m in the hole again. No charges. No write-ups. Nada.ā€ But Woodard will not be silenced, and we will continue sharing his saga. He writes, ā€œNow I have a whole new series of articles to writeā€”ā€™cause Iā€™m sure not intimidated.ā€

In what is sure to be controversial, Woodard sent us the following article (just before being thrown in the hole) about Proposition 34, which would end the death penalty. Although the Community Alliance always likes to give a voice to the voiceless and alternative ways to look at important issues, you might be surprised by what death row prisoners think about Prop 34.

Death Without the Possibility of Parole
By Boston Woodard

Boston Woodard

In November, California voters will be asked to approve the SAFE California Act (Proposition 34), which would replace the death penalty with a prison sentence of life without the possibility of parole (LWOP).

The death penalty and LWOP prison sentences arouse the passions of opponents and proponents alike, so itā€™s important to understand the issues more fully, especially voters, who are being asked to address life and death at the ballot box.

Now, Iā€™ve never been sentenced to death row or received an LWOP prison sentence, but I probably know more about these convicts and their circumstances than most people. In the late 1980s, as a prisoner at San Quentin, I worked as a clerk on death row, so I met many inmates. And for more than 25 years, Iā€™ve walked prison mainlines with men serving LWOP sentences.

Unfortunately, if youā€™re on the outside trying to find out what death row and LWOP prisoners think about Prop 34, you wonā€™t get much help from the mainstream press, at least not the articles Iā€™ve read. What I would like to do is share some of those other points of view with you.

Death row inmate Kevin Cooper vigorously opposes the initiative and its LWOP alternative to death by lethal injection. LWOP prisoners, he notes, must be assigned to Level IV prisons, those with the highest security. ā€œLevel IV prisons within the state of California are some of the worst prisons in the world! They are worse than death row,ā€ says Cooper. Violent living conditions, constant lockdowns and a lack of educational programs make rehabilitation impossible. ā€œAnd many families cannot get to those isolated prisons to visit their loved ones,ā€ writes Cooper, making the punishment even more cruel and unusual. (See

One of the SAFE California Act initiativeā€™s requirementsā€”mandatory work for persons convicted of murder with special circumstances (any money earned by inmates is donated to the stateā€™s victimsā€™ compensation fund)ā€”may be difficult to implement. With Level IV prisons locked down so much of the time, prisoners will be unable to reach their assigned jobs. Those inmates who do find one of the few remaining paid positions in the California prison system can expect to earn about 17 cents an hour.

Death row prisoner Jarvis Jay Masters feels the SAFE California Act initiative will remove the statutory appeals guaranteed under present law. ā€œWhat about the innocent men and women presently on death row who will no longer have effective legal means to a genuine appeal? Do you morally want to have a legal system that will put to death human beings, even innocent ones?ā€ asks Masters. (See

I suspect the vast majority of the 800,000 signatures gathered to put the SAFE California Act initiative on the November ballot were not informed their support would also include obliterating the legal means to free someone who might be wrongly convicted and executed due to erroneous eyewitness accounts, out-of-date forensic testing procedures and overzealous prosecutors.

I firmly oppose any prison sentence that ultimately results in the stateā€™s execution of any human being on death row who might be innocent. Itā€™s also difficult for me to accept the death sentences of those prisoners who die in prison while serving LWOPā€”even after theyā€™ve spent decades of sincere, conscious effort changing and rehabilitating themselves.

No one has done more to rehabilitate himself than LWOP prisoner and author Spoon Jackson. Incarcerated for 35 years for a crime he committed as a teenager, Jackson began a program of self-rehabilitation on his first day behind bars to cope with what he calls the ā€œother death penalty.ā€ To Jackson, when you change the sentence of a death row prisoner to LWOP, ā€œyou offer one prison for another.ā€ (See

ā€œPeople want to be forgiven. They ask for forgiveness. Why deny redemption to a person who has done everything possible to change himself and his behavior?ā€ asks Barbara Brooks, who began publishing the Sentencing and Justice Reform Advocacyā€™s newsletter, SJRAā€“Advocate, to allow prisoners to be heard. ā€œLet their voices go out into the free world and to the legislatures.ā€ (See

To death row prisoner Correll Thomas, the SAFE California Act is ā€œan atrocity.ā€ He expresses his concern about possible hidden agendas. What are the motives of the authors and sponsors behind the initiative? ā€œWho are they really working for?ā€ he asks. ā€œWhy should my family vote in support of those who are trying to kill me?ā€ (Correll Thomas, P-55743, Death Row, San Quentin, CA 94974)

Masters questions the credibility of SAFE California Act advocate Jeannie Woodford, the former warden of San Quentin State Prison and ex-director of the California Department of Corrections. ā€œI am not the first to say how deeply troubling it is to see this initiative being advocated by a woman who presided over state executions without ever offering an open apology,ā€ he says.

Currently, Woodford is the director of Death Penalty Focus, an organization striving to abolish the death penalty. She has sought support from the prison guardsā€™ union, the California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA). Itā€™s hard for either Woodford or the CCPOA to have much credibility because both were directly responsible for, or contributed to, the current state prison crisis, which is being sorted out by a panel of federal judges who are addressing the catastrophic mental and physical health problems and overcrowded living conditions in the California state prison system.

woodard-book-adLike Masters, Iā€™m troubled by ā€œexpertsā€ whose opinions about the SAFE California Act may be based on secondhand knowledge and outdated theories, and who may have a vested interest about whatā€™s best for those men and women who will be directly affected if this initiative is voted into law.

ā€œThe LWOP might not be a ā€˜reasonable sentenceā€™ or even a humane ā€˜solution,ā€™ā€ adds Douglas Scott Mickey, a death row prisoner who sees some value in the SAFE California Act. ā€œIf passed, this SAFE initiative can do what it is intended to doā€”help keep us alive until the good people of California think of something more forgiving.ā€ (Douglas Scott Mickey, C-73900, NB-S6-30, San Quentin, CA 94974)

Replacing the death penalty with a sentence of LWOP may severely thwart the long-fought efforts of those who believe that prisoners who meet stringent criteria and who are fully rehabilitated should not die in prison.

LWOP prisoner and author Kenneth F. Harman is the founder and executive director of the Other Death Penalty Project. ā€œI support the initiative to do away with lethal injection executions. Nevertheless, itā€™s important to remember that there are close to 4,000 other prisoners in this state [who have been] sentenced…to the slow, torturous ā€˜other death penaltyā€™ of life without the possibility of parole.ā€ Hartman favors a yes vote on Prop 34: ā€œAny other vote would be in favor of state-sanctioned executions.ā€ (See

ā€œI urge supporters of the SAFE California Act to read the whole initiative and to hold in one hand the chance to end the physical death penalty and in the other hand the initiativeā€™s entrenchment of life without the possibility of parole,ā€ adds longtime prisonersā€™ rights advocate and author Judith Tannenbaum. (See

For decades, Maria Telesco has been battling passionately to end the death penalty in California, ā€œas it has been in all other civilized countries and states,ā€ she points out. Still, according to Telesco, ā€œThose who have a strong case for factual innocence fear they will be left forever in prison, with the sentence of life without the possibility of parole, because they say no provisions have been made in the initiative for them to continue their appeals and prove their innocence.ā€

Some death penalty pundits also believe eliminating the means supporting active death sentence appeals may violate the ex post facto law and should not be terminated when and if the initiative becomes law.

Many groups and organizations who espouse the abolishment of Californiaā€™s death penalty write in their newsletters and news releases about the hundreds of ā€œinnocent men and womenā€ who have been freed from prison in California after proof of being wrongfully convicted, some sentenced to die for crimes they did not commit. However, those same innocent men and women, who are often showcased by the ACLU, will still die in prison after their attorneys are recalled and their active appeals have died out in the courts. Some anti-death penalty and LWOP advocates believe the LWOP alternative is just low-hanging fruit, not a well-thought-out answer to the death penalty.

We must abolish the third world practice of state-sanctioned executions. Everyone wants to live, and no one wants death by lethal injection or death without the possibility of parole.


Boston Woodard is a prisoner/journalist serving his sentence in Susanville State Prison. He has written for the San Quentin News and the Soledad Star and edited The Communicator. Boston is the author of Inside the Broken California Prison System, which is available at Amazon. Learn more at


  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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