Women Hold Up Half the Sky

By Month

By Category

Madera Candidate Denounces Witches

Mark Reed, who is a candidate for Eastern Madera’s 5th District supervisor, mailed thousands of mailers with inflammatory language, explicitly naming 5 local women, including their first and last [...] Continue Reading

Women’s Fight for Rights, Dignity

Almost 50 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled that women had the fundamental right of choice when it came to having an abortion. Abortions were not always illegal; in fact, the first state to impose a [...] Continue Reading

A Day Without Childcare

Hundreds of childcare providers around the state stopped working for a day as a protest to demand better working conditions and benefits. “A Day Without Childcare” occurred on May 9. Several of [...] Continue Reading

Some Thoughts on the Abortion Issue

Basically, abortion or anti-abortion is a religious concept. Many anti-abortionists claim that a soul is present immediately upon conception. Many of those who favor abortion do not believe that there [...] Continue Reading

A Community in Need

Since the end of last year, Visalia Planned Parenthood had planned to move from its downtown area location to a larger spot on Mooney Boulevard. Planned Parenthood would have occupied one of the many [...] Continue Reading

Una Comunidad Necesitada

Desde finales del año pasado, Visalia Planned Parenthood había hecho arreglos para mudarse de su ubicación en el centro de la ciudad a un lugar más grande en Mooney Blvd. Planned Parenthood habría [...] Continue Reading