Back to the Dark Ages: Roe v. Wade Overturned On June 24, the Supreme Court produced its much anticipated ruling banning women’s rights to access a safe abortion, upending the landmark Roe v. [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Explaining Measure C Thanks for the great, informative June issue! The one-page, excellent explanation of Measure C helped many of us realize what a mess all of this and how totally ineffective [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
A Victory and a Tragedy In a violent and convulsive world, any good news is welcome. And Fresno got good news on May 17 when Judge Dale Drozd announced his judgment regarding a lawsuit brought by [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Holding Supervisors Accountable After years of seeing media go after the City of Fresno, while the [Fresno] County Board of Supervisors has slipped past the radar of the media—and while County [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
Young Democrats Against the First Amendment As most of our readers already know, the Fresno County Democratic Party decided to cut ties with the Community Alliance because our newspaper [...] Continue Reading
Letter to the Editor
Stop Discrimination of the Homeless This letter concerns the flagrant discrimination against our long-suffering homeless individuals and leaders’ refusal to provide nice studio [or] one-bedroom [...] Continue Reading
Letter to the Editor
Ruth Gadebusch’s column is the first I read every month. While I didn’t watch all 2,800 hours of the Olympics, Ruth lays out that modeling peace and cooperation from the participant nations is more [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
Small Changes Bring Encouragement On Feb. 16, the Fresno City Council passed a resolution that could change the name of Kings Canyon Avenue to Cesar Chavez Avenue. The process could take up to [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Community Alliance Newsstand Stolen I am infuriated by your story about your stolen newsstands. My daughter and I met you over 10 years ago back when you had an office across the street from Fresno [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
New Year, Same Pandemic A new year usually brings the illusion of positive changes for us as well as for the world around us. But the pandemic doesn’t care about our illusions and plays by its [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Responding to a Culturally Insensitive Letter I am deeply troubled that the letter by Donald Slinkard was printed in your newspaper. It is a whitewashing of slavery and genocide celebration. It [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
New Year, New Hope The new year is here with us, and as usual, most people renew their hopes and illusions that things will be better—either at their personal level and/or at a societal [...] Continue Reading