By Maddie Shannon Jello Biafra, former lead singer of the hit punk rock band the Dead Kennedys, is performing at Strummer’s in Fresno’s Tower District on Nov. 1. Biafra’s new band, Jello Biafra [...] Continue Reading
Arts & Culture
Latin American Film Festival
By Dr. Annabella España-Nájera The Fresno State Department of Chicano and Latin American Studies (CLAS) is happy to announce the inaugural Latin American Film Festival, which brings to the Central [...] Continue Reading
WILPF – November 2013
WILPF BUSINESS MEETING WILPF will meet Thursday, November 14, 7 p.m., at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness. This meeting is open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK November 5, first [...] Continue Reading
Remembering and Celebrating
By Kaylia Metcalfe This month marks the 16th year where groups from all over the world will gather together on Nov. 20 and participate in TDoR events. TDoR, or Transgender Day of Remembrance, is a [...] Continue Reading
Nostalgia, Tragicomedy and Terry E.
By Alfonso C. Hernandez “Music to hear, why hear’st thou music sadly?” says Shakespeare in his Sonnet 8 alluding to a sense of nostalgia while hearing music that heightens the sense of memory in the [...] Continue Reading
Progressive Religion…Is Not an Oxymoron! When You Can’t Eat, Pray and Love, Laugh, Scream and Cry Instead
By David E. Roy Increasingly these days, I find myself laughing, screaming and crying in response to innumerable political and social events, from local to global. These responses spring up out of [...] Continue Reading
Poetry Corner – November 2013
Edited by Richard Stone This month’s poet is Mario Mangiello, who is unknown to us but would seem to be either homeless himself or deeply empathetic. Not the most refined poem we’ve printed, but [...] Continue Reading
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Calendar – November 2013
Weekly Events Tuesdays, November 5, 12, 19 & 26 • 10 a.m.–noon Buddhist Cultural Class in Japanese by Rev. Sensho Inouye. Buddhist Church of Fowler, 210 S. 9th St., Fowler. For more info, [...] Continue Reading
Memoirs of a Public Pretender
By Scott Baly With hands chained to their waist and feet shackled, they shuffle into the courtroom six at a time. When I see them I know there are more waiting in a cell not far behind. I wear a suit [...] Continue Reading
The Prison Press: Poetic Justice Project — A Prisoner Reentry Program for the Arts
By Boston Woodard “Every human being has a spark of something in them that can be ignited for the good of mankind…Someone getting out of prison has to make their own choices. Whether they end up [...] Continue Reading
Crockford Files – October 2013
By John Crockford U.S. Postal Service Wants to Verify Who You Are The U.S. Postal Service recently awarded a three-year $15.12 million contract to build a cloud-based authentication exchange. IT [...] Continue Reading
By Kaylia Metcalfe You can’t have a conversation about racism without coming across the phrase “White privilege.” You can’t have a conversation about gender roles without getting hit by the concept [...] Continue Reading