By David Barsamian (Editor’s note: The following poem was read in Ankara, Turkey, on the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. April 25, 2015.) It is important to complete the poems and eat the [...] Continue Reading
War & Peace
The Entire World Asks, “Is the U.S.A. Crazy?”
By George B. Kauffman American TV, the source of “news” for most of us, wastes time on ever-changing polls showing who is ahead in the race for the 2016 election, as if it were a sports game. Failed [...] Continue Reading
Alternatives to Violence Project
By Irene Serrano Alternatives to Violence San Joaquin Valley will hold a mini workshop on July 11 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Bethany Inner City Church (2305 E. Stanislaus St.). The workshop is open to [...] Continue Reading
Los días de terror en Chile tras del golpe de estado de Septiembre 11, 1973
Por Lizbeth De La Cruz El tema crimen de estado no deja de ser una conversación en nuestras comunida- des. Basta sólo con sintonizar su noticiero local o leer su periódico de preferencia para [...] Continue Reading
Q&A with an Ex-Con Whistleblower
By Marc Keyser Editor’s note: This is part two of a Q&A series with Marc Keyser, ex-con whistleblower and author of ANTHRAX: Shock and Awe Terror. Read part one on our Web site at [...] Continue Reading
Now They Are Drafting Our Dollars Instead of Our Bodies
By Gerry Bill The U.S. military used to draft our bodies for war. That practice has been suspended since 1973, although it could start up again at any time. However, the military is still drafting our [...] Continue Reading
Commemorating the Armenian Genocide: The Importance of Memory and Transformation
By Matthew Ari Jendian “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”—Spanish philosopher George Santayana (1905) In 2015, among many other things, we commemorate the 67th [...] Continue Reading
Immigration and Customs Enforcement in California
By Jonathan Luevanos Felix ICE Out of California Police violence, incarceration and the criminalization of homelessness and of immigrant individuals have become problems in California. One problem, [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor
“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Parks Near Freeways Are Disgusting By Barbara Christl (Editor’s note: This comment is in reference to “More Poison Parks Planned” in the February 2015 issue.) Thank you Kevin Hall for continuing to [...] Continue Reading
Human Rights?
By Leni Reeves The news is that representatives of the United States and Cuba met to discuss restoration of diplomatic relations. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson has emphasized [...] Continue Reading
Why I Am Not Charlie Hebdo #JeNeSuisPasCharlie
By Hannah Brandt “The belief that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong in the world.” —Dr. Paul Farmer Every year, at least one global incident sets off an immediate, baffling, [...] Continue Reading