Social Justice

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WILPF – May 2016

  WILPF BUSINESS MEETING May 12 (second Thursday of each month), 7-9 p.m. at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness Ave. Meetings are open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK May 4 [...] Continue Reading

WILPF: April 2016

WILPF BUSINESS MEETING WILPF will meet Thursday April 14, 7 PM, at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness.  This meeting is open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK April 6, first Wednesday of each [...] Continue Reading

WILPF – March 2016

WILPF BUSINESS MEETING WILPF will meet Thursday, March 10, at 7 PM, at Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness.  This meeting is open to all members. WOMEN IN BLACK March 2, (first Wednesday of [...] Continue Reading

Fresno Commemorates Dr. King’s Legacy

By Hannah Brandt On Jan 18, 2016 Fresno’s annual March, ‘Mountain of Food’ collection, and Commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. began at Fresno City Hall with speeches from local leaders including [...] Continue Reading