By Rumi Sherriff Recently, substitute teacher David Roberts was banned from future employment at Clovis West High School for simply wearing a “Black Lives Matter” button while teaching. A key [...] Continue Reading
Social Justice
Community Members Denounce City Council Refusal to Vote on Anti-Slumlord Ordinance in 2016
By Hannah Brandt It is December 8, 2016. A woman says she has been living without heat for weeks, harassed by a landlord who is evicting her even though she pays her rent. Leticia Valencia, a Fresno [...] Continue Reading
Transparency & Accountability In Policing: Strengthening Trust between Fresno PD & the Public
By Laura Garcia, Michael Ballin, Carlene Merino, and Matthew Fosberg Recent National Attention on Police-Community Relations Highly publicized events in 2014 exposed significant fractures in the [...] Continue Reading
By Gustavo Esteva and Brian Jay Snyder Small farmers, mainly women, feed 70 percent of the people on Earth. 70 percent! That means that big agribusiness, which owns or occupies more than half [...] Continue Reading
Joint Statement from the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and National Indigenous Congress
Translated By Jonathan Luevanos (Author’s note: The Zapatista Army of National Liberation is a revolutionary leftist political group formed by indigenous people from the Lacandon Jungle in [...] Continue Reading
Human Rights Commemoration Day
By Mariya Zheleva Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.” This year, the Human Rights [...] Continue Reading
Maria Telesco, Prison Volunteer and Advocate Against the Death Penalty: An Interview with Father Jim
Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from an interview that was originally published in Central Valley Catholic Voice, Vol. 18, N. 4, February 2016. It is republished with permission. Fr. Jim: [...] Continue Reading
North Dakota Judge Throws Out Charges Against Journalist Amy Goodman
The Democracy Now! host is free but a documentary maker who was also arrested for committing journalism faces a potential 45 years in prison. By John Light | October 17, 2016 (Editor’s Note: This [...] Continue Reading
FTA Attempts Public Forum for Bargaining, FUSD Refuses It
By Hannah Brandt On Thursday, September 29, just days after the October edition of Community Alliance was published, I attended the public bargaining meeting for the Fresno Teachers Association. [...] Continue Reading
Walk Like a Slut
By Linda Kobashigawa & Amanda Tripp As if its name isn’t provocative enough, imagine hundreds of women and men dressed in as a little as possible carrying hand-written signs exclaiming that “rape [...] Continue Reading
Fresno Rallies in Solidarity with Standing Rock Against the Dakota Access Pipeline
By Hannah Brandt One of the largest demonstrations by indigenous peoples in recent U.S. history has been taking place in North Dakota over the last several weeks. The activists prefer to be called [...] Continue Reading
Proposed Resolution Condemning Islamophobia in the City of Fresno
Authors: The Central Valley Islamic Council Co-sponsors: The Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno, Faith in Community, Pastor Chris Breedlove, Community UCC, Pastor DJ Criner, Saint Rest Baptist Church, [...] Continue Reading