Science & Health

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By Jessica M. Hanna The Manchester Experiment, located in the Manchester Center (on the third floor above the Sears entrance), presents “Life, Liberty & Property” by Brandon itheyus Jacobs and [...] Continue Reading

Clearing the Air – November 2012

By Tom Frantz Fact checking of candidate statements is a useful exercise during an election season. It is a rational response to politicians striving for public approval. Our air board is made up of [...] Continue Reading

This Crow Won’t Fly

By Paul Boden The United States has a long history of using mean-spirited and often brutal laws to keep “certain” people out of public spaces and out of public consciousness. Jim Crow laws segregated [...] Continue Reading

Richard, Dolores and Thanksgiving

By Leonard Adame Richard the third. A good looking man in his 60s. I find him searching a trash can on the mall near Mariposa. He looks at me guardedly and quizzically. “Can I help you out with a [...] Continue Reading

Electoral Strategy from the Grassroots

By Mike Rhodes In September, we asked our readers to tell us their opinions about local, state and federal candidates and the state propositions. We want to share with you their progressive analysis [...] Continue Reading

Medicare 101

By Dan Yaseen If you are 65 or older, disabled or turning 65 you have to deal with Medicare. Understanding Medicare can be a daunting task for many people. The Social Security Act Amendments of [...] Continue Reading

Fresno AIDS Walk

By Toni Harrison On July 30, 1985, I remember watching the news and seeing a dark, dismal and scary airport scene where Rock Hudson was wheeled from a plane, having just returned from Paris, where he [...] Continue Reading

The Crockford Files – Oct. 2012

By John Crockford Free Books Online The Online Books Page (, which lists more than one million free books on the Web, is a service of the University of [...] Continue Reading

Scorched Earth Policy

By Mike Rhodes Last month, the City of Fresno destroyed a long established growth of oleander bushes to remove a couple of dozen homeless people from their encampment on Weber Avenue, between Olive [...] Continue Reading