By George B. Kauffman In 1969, anti–Vietnam War demonstrations convinced Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D–Wisc.) and Rep. Pete McCloskey (R–Calif.) to organize a huge grassroots protest over what was happening [...] Continue Reading
Cap and Trade + High Speed Rail = Environmental Disaster
By Cherylyn Smith Think of this as a puzzle, which we, the people of California, are putting together. As with all government/corporate collusions, some pieces are deliberately hidden from the [...] Continue Reading
We Can Create Lasting Change
By Hannah Brandt On Feb. 27, Donna Brazile spoke to a relatively full house in the North Gym at Fresno State while a softball game roared a few meters away. The two events started at about the [...] Continue Reading
Dakota Eco-Garden to Begin New Phase of Development
By Gerry Bill These are exciting times at the Dakota Eco-Garden (DEG). There are more and more success stories as current and former residents continue to move forward with their lives, and [...] Continue Reading
Who Came First, the Chicken or the Prisoner?
By Daniel Tregila The hunger strikes launched here in the Pelican Bay Special Housing Unit (SHU/solitary confinement) in 2011 was based on decades of the use and abuse of solitary confinement against [...] Continue Reading
Fresno County on Cannabis Collision Course
By Michael S. Green As medical cannabis patients and social users turn their attention toward adult-use legalization in 2016, Fresno County continues to preach the gospel of pot prohibition. The [...] Continue Reading
More Poison Parks Planned by Mayor Swearengin and City Council
By Kevin Hall Here is another one for the “Only in Fresno” file. After arbitrarily cutting short the public review process late last year, Mayor Ashley Swearengin successfully pushed through an [...] Continue Reading
A Divestment Movement
By Carolina Lopez, Sara Hilliard, Yesenia Magaña-Rocha, and Araceli Cuentas “Divestment is the opposite of an investment—it simply means getting rid of stocks, bonds, or investment funds that are [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor: February 2015
By Ernesto Saavedra It was a sunny day Dec. 27, 2014, in Fresno. People were slowly recovering from the holidays and preparing for New Year’s. Early that afternoon, while many were on their way to [...] Continue Reading
Why I Am Not Charlie Hebdo #JeNeSuisPasCharlie
By Hannah Brandt “The belief that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong in the world.” —Dr. Paul Farmer Every year, at least one global incident sets off an immediate, baffling, [...] Continue Reading
Marjorie Cohn on Drone Warfare: Illegal, Immoral and Ineffective
In the anthology Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues, [...] Continue Reading
Here Is How We Are Going to Win
By Mike Rhodes When political commentator Jim Hightower was in Fresno in 2011, he said that “some claim that a populist movement can’t hold together, that it’s like herding cats. But those who say [...] Continue Reading