By Halima Aquino The road to the city of San Joaquin from Tranquillity High School was 105 degrees or hotter on black pavement on Sept. 6 at 12:30 p.m. Beside the fields of nuts and fruit, there is [...] Continue Reading
Westlands Water District Votes No on Delta Tunnels Project
By Dan Bacher Editor’s note: This article was originally published at Daily Kos and is republished under their terms and conditions: [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – October 2017
By Hannah Brandt It is easy for this political moment to feel like the movie Groundhog Day, where you keep waking up expecting it to be a new day only to find it is the same unbearable day every [...] Continue Reading
Whistleblowers Uncover Illegal Federal Payments to Valley Water Contractors
By Vic Bedoian Four of the state’s water districts secretly received more than $100 million in federal funds to pay for their share of the environmental review of the Bay Delta tunnels project. The [...] Continue Reading
Fresno’s GOP Testing California’s New Sanctuary Statehood
By Art Rodriguez It was April 4 of this year when a group of us, 10 young adults, attended the Tulare City Council meeting in support of Council Member Jose Sigala’s motion for a resolution in [...] Continue Reading
Trump, Trump and More Trump!
By George B. Kauffman Editor's Note: Article originally written in August The news is rife with news about Donald J. Trump, all of it bad for him, except that he seems to be unaware of this [...] Continue Reading
All in for Huron
By Michael D. Evans Huron is a peaceful town, far from anything urban. It sits in southwest Fresno County about 15 miles from Coalinga—about an hour’s drive from Fresno. As of the 2010 Census, Huron [...] Continue Reading
Democrats: Raise Pay to Build Party
By Phil Erro To win back the House, U.S. Senate and the state houses, Democrats need to focus on one thing: higher pay. Millions of people are working for the minimum wage at fast-food restaurants, [...] Continue Reading
Is Political and Ideological Purity the Road to Victory?
By Mike Rhodes Is there any local politician you agree with on all issues? 100% of the time? How about your friends and family? Do you agree 100% of the time with them on all issues? Of course not. [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – September 2017
By Hannah Brandt August was another exhausting and often discouraging month. From the Fresno City Council passing the ban on homeless dwellings in Fresno to the White supremacist attacks in [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air: The Sierra Forests and Air Pollution
By Tom Frantz We know that most of our air pollution comes from industrial operations and mobile sources. But this pollution does not just stay in the air that we breathe on the Valley floor. Summer [...] Continue Reading