
By Month

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Juegos electorales 

Hasta hace un par de meses todo parecía un simple juego amistoso de ping-pong entre dos amigos acostumbrados a jugar seguido. Uno lanzaba la pelotita y el otro la regresaba. Así estaba el partido [...] Continue Reading

Fresno Policy Kills, Say Their Names

Our economic system, with its excessive corporate greed and its concentration of ownership and power, destroys anything that gets in the way of profits. It destroys lives and discards human beings. [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

The Obnoxious Show Is Just Beginning On May 9, a New York jury found Donald Trump guilty of sexual abuse. The verdict for the first time legally brands a former U.S. president as a sexual [...] Continue Reading

Progressive, Local/Independent News

The May 2023 Issue of the Community Alliance is now online You can read the print version of the paper at the link below. This is a .pdf of the May 2023 Community Alliance newspaper. There are [...] Continue Reading

Recall Supervisor Nathan Magsig

By Linda Tubach Fresno County Supervisor Nathan Magsig has led the Fresno County Board of Supervisors to decide to sue the State of California to stop the replacement of S— Valley’s racist and [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

City and County Leadership? One wonders what is wrong with Fresno—with the “leaders” of the city and the county. The City of Fresno closed its three warming centers on the morning of March 21 in [...] Continue Reading

Rumor Has It

By R.J. Mitch Cantwell If the Tea Party QAnon Republicans take over our government, the United States will have to change the Pledge of Allegiance to the following: “I pledge allegiance to the flag [...] Continue Reading

Derechas un Poco Chuecas

Por MIGUEL ÁNGEL BÁEZ Desde su famosa conferencia mañanera el Presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador se ha atrincherado para defenderse y contestar a los constantes ataques de aquellos a [...] Continue Reading

Progressive, Local/Independent News

The April 2023 Issue of the Community Alliance is now online. You can read the print version of the paper at the link below. This is a .pdf of the April 2023 Community Alliance newspaper. There are [...] Continue Reading