Consequences of Hate and Racism
With a broad mind and understanding, let your intellect grasp these truths, which will enable you to be a better human being. We are not born with a hateful bone in our body. It is an emotion that stems from a learned experience and is taught in many ways.
How and why you might hate someone is an individual’s mindset that is of their own making. How can you hate someone you don’t even know or have encountered?
Race is just a person’s basic physical identity. It doesn’t make you think a certain way or act in a certain way.
These things are acquired through experiences, experiences that can be the driving force in your thought process.
I’ve often encountered hate and racism throughout my life as I am sure countless other Black and Brown people have. For example, a white person might walk down the street and see two big Black men on the same side they’re walking on and become frantic and run across to the other side. Or just expressing a polite hello and the person you are greeting looks at you as though you have feces on your chin. People have treated one person with favoritism over the other at a checkout counter at restaurants, and many other venues.
We are all the same. Skin pigmentation shouldn’t drive you to hate. Get to know their name. As human beings, not animals, we all share the instinct to care, not to place one person above the other. We all have someone that we consider a sister or a brother; race is not a factor.
Some people with corrupted mentalities dwell on dissension. They focus on trampling others’ desires, accomplishments, inspirations. Hate and racism are at the forefront of their distraught mentality.
There’s kind of an attitude that only reflects lack of knowledge and stunts overall growth in understanding life. I know a lot of very good people of other races. Get to know a person before you place judgment.
Your conscience is amazing. Paint a pretty picture of injecting compassion and true concern for the next human being. We all have a role and a goal. Don’t you want to play a part to elevate goodness over hate?
Dear reader, I don’t and won’t hate you; in doing so, it would reflect on the hate I feel in me. People have a grave tendency to feel about others the way they feel about themselves. Today, be polite to someone, treat a person the way you would like to be treated. You might be aroused consciously and have a new outlook on life.
Don’t let a person’s race make you avoid them, but rather get to know them and yourself. It would take 50 years to explain it all.
People do have the human decency to help each other in a time of crisis. For example, a person can hate someone because of their race but let that hateful individual be in a situation where the race that they hate has to pull them out of a fire by grasping their hand to save their life, they will grip that person’s hand like they love ’em. And thank them with praise.
Let’s not let our minds destroy the beauty of all people. We should replace stereotypes with divine thoughts that appreciate the uniqueness that each human being has like no other in the world. It’s never too late to make the world a better place. We all can make a beautiful and conscious change for the better for all of us.
Arnold Minor
Homeless advocate