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By Ray McKnight Should a small cabal in City Hall be allowed to ignore and thwart the wishes of Fresno’s citizens regarding Eaton Plaza? On April 14, 1947, by a yes vote of 71 percent, the citizens [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – May 2017

By Hannah Brandt On April 9, we held our annual fundraiser. This year’s theme was Growing Community Alliance. Here is the editor’s update I presented that night. Thank you all for coming! It’s so [...] Continue Reading

State Democrats to Choose New Chair

By Michael D. Evans On May 20, Democratic representatives from throughout California will elect a new chair for the California Democratic Party (CDP). John Burton is stepping down after two terms [...] Continue Reading

Earth Day and the March for Science

  By Hannah Brandt On Saturday, April 22 Earth Day 2017 was held at Radio Park in downtown Fresno. The theme was "Environmental & Climate Literacy" The organizers described the focus of the [...] Continue Reading

May Day 2017

Immigrants and their supporters continue to reel from the rapid succession of Executive Orders and anti-immigrant measures launched by the Trump Administration. Trump and conservatives in Congress [...] Continue Reading

Cuba’s Fresh Perspectives

By Bill Braun Twenty-five of us, 19 from the United States, joined together for 10 days during January in Cuba. Billed as “Fresh Perspectives,” our tour was that, plus many entirely new and somewhat [...] Continue Reading

Kids Rally for Equality

  Kiera Kaiser, an 11-year-old, organized the Kids Rally for Equality on March 11 at the Fresno City Hall so youth could speak their minds on why equality is important to them. Kids and teens [...] Continue Reading

Fresno Freedom School Summer

By Floyd D. Harris The Fresno Freedom School will host a series of activities for the 2017 school year. Participating youth in southwest Fresno will learn how to prepare the land and plant carrots, [...] Continue Reading