
By Month

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Letters to the Editor – March 2018

Fear of Death the Basis of Conservative Greed Making a nation more important (“Great Again”) to individuals and groups has its side effects. The subjugation of men to government continues as long as [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – February 2018

By Michael D. Evans At a recent Fresno City Council meeting prior to a vote on an industrial park project, District 2 City Council Member Steve Brandau admonished one of the community groups [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – February 2018

Understanding West Fresno I want to thank Kevin Hall (“A Fresno Epiphany,” December 2017 Community Alliance) for highlighting an issue that Black and Brown West Fresno residents have known for a long [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – January 2018

By Michael D. Evans What a weird year that we just completed. It was unlike anything we could have imagined. Truth really is sometimes stranger than fiction. But then again, the line between truth [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – December 2017

By Hannah Brandt This month, it is hard to write this. That is not only because I happen to be sick as a dog as I do so, but as many of you know, this is my last month as editor. Even when one [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – December 2017

What Is a “Clean” DREAM Act? By Sonia Martinez A “clean” DREAM Act would be legislation free from harmful provisions that hurt or demonize members of the broader undocumented community. A clean [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – November 2017

By Hannah Brandt Three years ago, the hashtag #YesAllWomen went viral on social media as women confronted the world with their stories of sexual abuse and assault. The aim was to make people listen [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – November 2017

Clarification of TCC Success By Candice Troutman Attn.: Downtown, Chinatown and Southwest Fresno Residents Re: Clarification on the success of TCC Proposal #5 and a Call for Celebration As many have [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – October 2017

By Hannah Brandt It is easy for this political moment to feel like the movie Groundhog Day, where you keep waking up expecting it to be a new day only to find it is the same unbearable day every [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – October 2017

By Steve Claassen Those who follow Emily Cameron’s blog can’t not think of her when they hear the progressive mantra—”Speak truth to power.” In September’s Community Alliance report, “Primarying Bad [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – September 2017

By Hannah Brandt August was another exhausting and often discouraging month. From the Fresno City Council passing the ban on homeless dwellings in Fresno to the White supremacist attacks in [...] Continue Reading