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Hooray for Us!

By Uncle Bill ’Tis a glorious, florious flag-waving day To remember our heroes who’ve gone by the way. Memorial, Veterans and Patriot’s Day, too Armed Forces, Independence, just to name one or [...] Continue Reading

Book Review: Fantasyland

By George B. Kauffman Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History by Kurt Andersen, Random House Trade Paperback, New York, 2018, $18.00. ISBN 9780812978902. Donald J. Trump is not sui [...] Continue Reading

Book Review: New York Scientific

By George B. Kauffman New York Scientific: A Culture of Inquiry, Knowledge and Learning. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2017, Hardcover, $44.95, ISBN 9780198769873 New York Scientific, by [...] Continue Reading

Simple Democracy

By Johanna Torres There has been considerable controversy during Madera City Council meetings since late last year. Concerns arose when community members started seeing their service fees (such as [...] Continue Reading

Impeach Trump with Our Prayers

By Marc Keyser President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey because Comey would not drop the Trump-Russia investigation, and that’s obstruction of justice. The Republican-controlled Congress said [...] Continue Reading

A Nightmare from Immigration to Tariffs

By Ruth Gadebusch Who would have thought the immigration fiasco would still be festering. And fiasco is the mildest name we could designate! Congress has had ample time to fix it but continues to let [...] Continue Reading

Compassion: Even for Dying Prisoners

By Boston Woodard A Massachusetts law passed in April allows the early release of dying prisoners. Alexander Phillips, housed in a medium-security prison in Norfolk, had his appeal for a compassionate [...] Continue Reading