Arts & Culture

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From the Editor

The Community Alliance newspaper is expanding―printing more pages in color and adding a Spanish-language page―and going through some significant design changes. Over the last three months, we have [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

Fresno Police Chief Accused of Racism A lawsuit, filed in Fresno Superior Court in February, says that Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer’s ringtone for Cynthia Sterling, an African-American former City [...] Continue Reading

“Got Them… Er, Him”

After several months of investigation, the FBI announced on March 10 that a shadowy group calling itself the American Nationalist Brotherhood was in reality a lone school bus driver from Madera [...] Continue Reading

Fresno Folklore Society

Despite what those old Our Gang episodes would lead you to believe—you know, the ones where Spanky and the other Little Rascals are averting some crisis by brainstorming overnight a staged show where [...] Continue Reading

ACLU Campaigns for Justice Tour

So far, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has brought its Campaigns for Justice Tour to 10 cities in northern California including Merced on March 2 and Fresno on March 9. Visalia is a future [...] Continue Reading

“Queer Eye…”:

Don’t Privatize the Public Defender’s Office As the county budget continued to melt down and the Board of Supervisors voted to place a charter amendment on the June ballot to make privatizing Fresno [...] Continue Reading