Arts & Culture

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Musicians’ Strike Settlement

By Larry Gardner On Oct. 24, Fresno Grand Opera (FGO) management and the musicians’ negotiating committee for the American Federation of Musicians (AFM) Local 12 came to a tentative agreement. The [...] Continue Reading


By Jessica M. Hanna The Manchester Experiment, located in the Manchester Center (on the third floor above the Sears entrance), presents “Life, Liberty & Property” by Brandon itheyus Jacobs and [...] Continue Reading

Next Generation

By Richard Stone (Author’s note: The following is an excerpt from the book Incarnation: Coming to Life in Mind and Body.) A person-to-person encounter takes place, and the gist of it is magically [...] Continue Reading

God I Believe Would Appreciate That

By Leonard Adame People will mail cards wishing one another a warm and bountiful Christmas. They will say “Merry Christmas” in dozens of ways on their minutely decorated cards. They will wrap their [...] Continue Reading

Homophobia and the Death Penalty

By Alfonso C. Hernandez The Ice House Theater of Visalia has courageously produced “The Laramie Project,” written by Moises Kaufman and members of the Tectonic Theater Project (TTP) and directed by [...] Continue Reading