Arts & Culture

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Don’t Let Feds Murder Lynne Stewart

By Maria Telesco If you were in serious trouble, maybe accused of terrorism, the best court-appointed lawyer you could hope for would be Lynne Stewart. A criminal defense attorney for more than 30 [...] Continue Reading

Why AP Dropped the “Illegal” Word

By Eduardo Stanley On April 2, the Associated Press (AP), perhaps the biggest news agency in the world, announced it would no longer use the term illegal when referring to immigrants without legal [...] Continue Reading

Love, Wagner, De Sade and Norman

By Alfonso Hernandez Marie Henri Beyle/Stendhal (1783–1825) in his work De l’Amour (On Love) presents four kinds of love: passionate, amour-passion (love-passion), self-evident or well-mannered and [...] Continue Reading

Swede Fest Returns to Tower Theatre

The Central Valley’s fastest-growing amateur film festival will return to Fresno’s historic Tower Theatre (815 E. Olive Ave) on May 19 at 6 p.m. Swede Fest--the only film festival dedicated to sweded [...] Continue Reading

There’s More Than Marriage

By Kaylia Metcalfe Recently, and understandably, the focus of the LGBT’s political and activist arms has been legalizing (or stopping the illegalization of) same-sex marriage. The latest polls from [...] Continue Reading