
By Month

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American Voluntarism

By Alfonso C. Hernandez One of the best qualities of the American people, not much touted about, is the quality of voluntarism. Everywhere one looks, there are volunteers: in churches, schools, [...] Continue Reading

Medicare 101

By Dan Yaseen If you are 65 or older, disabled or turning 65 you have to deal with Medicare. Understanding Medicare can be a daunting task for many people. The Social Security Act Amendments of [...] Continue Reading

Fresno AIDS Walk

By Toni Harrison On July 30, 1985, I remember watching the news and seeing a dark, dismal and scary airport scene where Rock Hudson was wheeled from a plane, having just returned from Paris, where he [...] Continue Reading

Our Future Is Now

By Kaylia Metcalfe By the time this issue comes out, I will have become a mother. (I am due any second now, typing between contractions, so I feel pretty confident that the world will have a new [...] Continue Reading