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It’s Complicated: Unintended Consequences
By George B. Kauffman “You have to think about the unintended consequences of either the decisions you make or the ones you do not.”—Madeleine K. Albright In the social sciences, unintended [...] Continue Reading
Interfaith Social Justice Collaborative Calendar – October 2013
Weekly Events Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 • 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Fresno River Zen Group meeting. Zen Center of Fresno, 922 N. Van Ness Ave. Fresno River Zen is guided by Rev. [...] Continue Reading
Progressive Voice: A Call for Nonprofit Action
By Yezdyar S. Kaoosji There are several types of nonprofits—a term assigned to organizations that are exempt from federal income taxes. In general usage, the term refers to entities classified as [...] Continue Reading
Jesus, Columbus and My Blond Teacher
By Leonard Adame Jesus was always a bearded blond White guy who wore a flowing robe and held up his hand with his index and thumb touching each other. He looked peaceful even to my fourth-grade mind. [...] Continue Reading
Did Latino Machismo Help Elect Andy Vidak?
By Valeria Pedroza There are two things I will always remember about the summer of 2013: First is the heat two degrees shy of hell, and second is the experiences I had as a canvasser. In February, [...] Continue Reading
An Injustice Anywhere Is a Threat to Justice Everywhere
By Dr. Jean Kennedy Is the system working 50 years after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech? Well, let’s see. Today, taxpayers pay more than $70 billion per year to warehouse more [...] Continue Reading
¡¡Reforma Migratoria Ahora!!
Por Leoncio Vásquez Santos Fresno, California—El 22 de Septiembre fue la última marcha convocado por la Coalición Primero de Mayo por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes para seguir con el dedo en el [...] Continue Reading
¿Fue machismo que ayudó a Andy Vidak?
By Valeria Pedroza Hay dos cosas que siempre voy a recordar sobre el verano de 2013 , primero es el calor a dos grados tímido del infierno, y el segundo es la experiencia que tuve con la gente de [...] Continue Reading
The City of Fresno Declares War on the Poor
By Jessie Speer Imagine a young woman. Close your eyes and see her in front of you—her hopeful gaze, her restless hands. Now imagine one morning she can’t get out of bed. The doctor says it’s brain [...] Continue Reading
Movements Without Leaders: What to Make of Change on an Overheating Planet
By Bill McKibben Reprinted from www.Tomdispatch.com. The history we grow up with shapes our sense of reality—it’s hard to shake. If you were young during the fight against Nazism, war seems a [...] Continue Reading
From the Editor – September 2013
The culture of death and destruction at City Hall is threatening this community’s most vulnerable residents with a policy that they hope will be the “final solution” to homelessness in Fresno. I was [...] Continue Reading