Social Justice

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When I Grow Up

By Grid Margraf “When I grow up I want to be a cowboy.” That was my response at five to my first grade teacher’s question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” There were cattle ranches [...] Continue Reading

Freedom According to the Zapatistas

By Patricia Wells Solorzano (Author’s note: In August 2013, after years of little news from the Zapatistas, the Escuelitas Zapatistas (little schools) took place in Zapatista territory. Some people [...] Continue Reading

Charlie’s Story Part III

By Grid Margraf (Editor’s note: This is the third and final installment of “Charlie’s Story,” which details Margraf’s interaction with Charlie, a Vietnam veteran who shot up a sheriff’s office as a [...] Continue Reading

Stop the Slaughter

By Ernesto Saavedra It’s June 16, 4 p.m., I’m on my bike and I’m running late. I’m pedaling like I’ve never pedaled before, ignoring my aching thighs and sweat in my eyes. I get a rush as I approach, [...] Continue Reading