By the October 22 Fresno Committee The 19th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation in Fresno will occur on Oct. 22 at 5:30 p.m. at the [...] Continue Reading
Social Justice
Collaboration and Contradictions: Can Progressive Groups Work Together?
By Richard Stone On Aug. 21, a meeting was co-hosted by the Fresno Partnership and Fresno Metro Ministry to explore possibilities of wider collaboration. An expansive array of groups was [...] Continue Reading
Gandhi: An Apostle of Peace and Nonviolence
By Dr. Sudarshan Kapoor “Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.” —Albert Einstein Mahatma Gandhi, the great spiritual, [...] Continue Reading
Curfews and Repression in Ferguson Represent Further Consolidation of Right-Wing Power
By Dhoruba Bin-Wahad We have discussed this for years haven’t we? The militarization of American law enforcement has accompanied the racist and corporate right-wing consolidation of power in America [...] Continue Reading
The Prison Press: Too Cruel, Not Unusual Enough
By Boston Woodard (Editor’s note: Woodard remains in administrative segregation (“The Hole”) in San Quentin. However, he is doing fine and plans to share his experience with us in the near future. He [...] Continue Reading
Breaking the Chains from Fresno to Ferguson
By Ernesto Saavedra Black Life Is Not Valued in America On Aug. 9, in Ferguson, Mo., Michael Brown was murdered by Officer Darren Wilson. Lying face down in the middle of the street, some say for [...] Continue Reading
When I Grow Up
By Grid Margraf “When I grow up I want to be a cowboy.” That was my response at five to my first grade teacher’s question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” There were cattle ranches [...] Continue Reading
Men of Color Facing Life Obstacles: The Prison Press – August 2014
By Boston Woodard Independent researchers want to understand the roadblocks young men of color face that could impede their success in life. They are looking into the underlying causes: disparities [...] Continue Reading
Freedom According to the Zapatistas
By Patricia Wells Solorzano (Author’s note: In August 2013, after years of little news from the Zapatistas, the Escuelitas Zapatistas (little schools) took place in Zapatista territory. Some people [...] Continue Reading
Charlie’s Story Part III
By Grid Margraf (Editor’s note: This is the third and final installment of “Charlie’s Story,” which details Margraf’s interaction with Charlie, a Vietnam veteran who shot up a sheriff’s office as a [...] Continue Reading
Local Progressive Activists Targeted by the Fresno Police Department
By Mike Rhodes Sergeant Robert Dewey, with the Fresno Police Department (FPD), has produced a PowerPoint presentation that identifies Chris Breedlove of the College Community Congregational Church as [...] Continue Reading
Stop the Slaughter
By Ernesto Saavedra It’s June 16, 4 p.m., I’m on my bike and I’m running late. I’m pedaling like I’ve never pedaled before, ignoring my aching thighs and sweat in my eyes. I get a rush as I approach, [...] Continue Reading