Social Justice

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Some Lessons from the Last Revolution

By Joel Eis Things are getting interesting. History is getting more personal every day. Street demonstrations are a great thing, but they’re not a movement. They’re an action to show how people [...] Continue Reading

Just the FAX, Please

By I. smiley G. Calderon When I first moved to Fresno just a year and a half ago, I didn’t know that the public transit system is referred to as the “FAX,” short for “Fresno Area Express.” I [...] Continue Reading

Growing Up Black in Fresno

By Annette Breazell-Greathouse Born in March 1967, I was the little girl who had everything any young girl could want and desire. The youngest of three, I was loved and spoiled by my hardworking [...] Continue Reading

Covid-19 versus the Essential Worker

By Saraí Ramos González Rural communities with large numbers of workers in the food production sector will be disproportionately affected by Covid-19. Many are ineligible to receive government aid, [...] Continue Reading

May Day 2020 Virtual March in Fresno

By Sarai Ramos Gonzalez and Stan Santos The movement for human rights in the face of natural and man-made disasters has brought us to a moment of reflection, discussion and cautious action. Under [...] Continue Reading