Race & Ethnicity

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Letters from the Holocaust

“You are hereby required to report to the Gestapo Regional Headquarters in Munich, Brienner Street 50 (in the courtyard) on January 17, 1945, no later than 15 o’clock so that you can be assigned to an [...] Continue Reading

A Family History in the Holocaust

By Peter Maiden I am the child of a survivor of the Holocaust, part of what’s known as the second generation. Whether it be nature or nurture, all my life I have experienced a sense of trauma, [...] Continue Reading

Vigil for Slain Street Vendor

By Peter Maiden A vigil was held for Lorenzo Perez in Pilibos Soccer Park in southeast Fresno on March 28, drawing 250 people. Perez, a pushcart vendor, was shot to death exactly a week earlier on [...] Continue Reading

Finding Good in Horrible

By Ruth Gadebusch In a way that we never foresaw, this nation has been shaken to its bones—to its graveyards—with the convergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the killing of a Black man. Seemingly [...] Continue Reading