
By Month

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Local Activists Travel to Cuba

By Richard Stone The Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) Pastors for Peace is again preparing for its annual breech of the U.S. embargo on trade and travel to Cuba. [...] Continue Reading

Measure G Outcome Depends on You

By Michael D. Evans You’re probably sick of hearing about Measure G, the City of Fresno referendum on privatizing residential solid waste disposal service. But as with a presidential campaign, it [...] Continue Reading

Free Cell Phones for the Homeless

If you are homeless and living in Fresno (or anywhere in California), you are probably eligible to receive a free cell phone as part of a program run by the state Public Utilities Commission. If you [...] Continue Reading

Rethinking Priorities

By Community Alliance Staff Since 1980, California has built 20 new prisons, and only one new university. It’s time to rethink California’s priorities! Join us as we engage in conversation and [...] Continue Reading

From the Guest Editor – May 2013

Community Alliance Editor Mike Rhodes and his family enjoyed a trip to Europe in the weeks leading up to the publication of this month’s issue. In his stead, Associate Editor Michael Evans served as [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – May 2013

The Truth about the Fulton Mall To call the Fulton Mall a “mall” is misleading. It’s truly an urban oasis. A melting pot. It’s the only place in Fresno where the cultures get to meet and interact. As [...] Continue Reading