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Fresno Fire Chief to Address NWPC

By Susan McCall Carrasco Fresno Fire Chief Kerri Donis, who broke through the glass ceiling to become the first woman to hold that position in the Fresno Fire Department’s 130-year-plus history, will [...] Continue Reading

Alternatives to Violence Project

By Irene Serrano Alternatives to Violence San Joaquin Valley will hold a mini workshop on July 11 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Bethany Inner City Church (2305 E. Stanislaus St.). The workshop is open to [...] Continue Reading

Emotional Beginnings

By Ernesto Saavedra In the late 1990s, psychologist Daniel Goleman proposed that how one views and understands their own emotions and others’ emotions, and how one deals with them, is a form of [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – May 2015

By Ernesto Saavedra Oh, how time flies. A year ago, I became editor of the Community Alliance. A chance to venture into new terrain and grow in an area I was not too familiar with. Somehow I have [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – May 2015

Achievement Gap due to Systemic Inequity By Karen Humphrey  Though I risk being patted on the head and addressed as “dear lady,” I take issue with Mark Arax’s patronizing attack on Ruth Gadebusch for [...] Continue Reading