By Mike Rhodes Loretta Kensinger is the vice president of the Central Valley Progressive PAC and has led some of the discussions within the group about developing a local electoral strategy around [...] Continue Reading
Call and Dump Trump
By Marc Keyser Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to build the great Trump Wall across the border with Mexico and begin mass arrests and deportation of some 11 million–12 million [...] Continue Reading
WILPF – September 2015
PLEASE JOIN US IN CELEBRATING WILPF--FRESNO 50TH ANNIVERSARY AND WILPF--INTERNATIONAL CENTENNIAL Dangerous Women: 50 Years in Fresno, 100 Years Internationally Inspiring historical and educational [...] Continue Reading
Déjà vu All Over Again
By Richard Gomez Has 1968 returned again, hopefully without the killings? Let’s see, President Lyndon Johnson began the year with great anticipation of being reelected. The leadership of both parties [...] Continue Reading
2016 Green Party Presidential Candidates
By Richard Gomez Yes, the Green Party has candidates for the 2016 Presidential election. Although all the talk on radio and television is about Bernie Sanders’ activities, Hillary Clinton’s [...] Continue Reading
Donald’s “Trumped Up” Accusations
By the Community Alliance (Editor’s note: During a speech at the launching of his bid for the U.S. presidency, Donald Trump made derogatory statements toward the Mexican migrant community. “When [...] Continue Reading
Open the Doors to the Debate
By Richard Gomez The Commission on Presidential Debates is a private firm began in 1987 by the Democratic and Republican parties leaders to establish the way that presidential election debates are [...] Continue Reading
BERNIE SANDERS | The Only Progressive Candidate for President
By Yezdyar S. Kaoosji Bernie Sanders, the son of a Polish immigrant, was born in Brooklyn, educated in Chicago and settled in Vermont. As a student, he marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and [...] Continue Reading
Why Progressives Will Vote for Hillary and Why They Don’t Know it Yet.
By Patricia Brown If I told you that one woman and 18 men were running for President of the United States, would you vote for her? If I told you that the most qualified candidate for president of the [...] Continue Reading
The Importance of Building a Labor/Community Alliance
By Mike Rhodes If progressives want to win political power in Fresno and beyond, we must build a coalition that includes both organized labor and grassroots community groups. A big leap forward in [...] Continue Reading
Nunes Calls for San Joaquin River Salmon to Go Extinct
By Gary Lasky In a lengthy, conspiracy-tinged June 12 letter to Investor’s Business Daily, Rep. Devin Nunes (R–Tulare) gives free rein to his interesting fantasies about the incredible clout of [...] Continue Reading
The Divide in Fresno
By Kathy G. Ayala Inequalities and its history still linger and resonate within our cities and expand globally. In Fresno, we experience a divide—a division cutting through the city horizontally [...] Continue Reading