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From the Editor – May 2015

By Ernesto Saavedra Oh, how time flies. A year ago, I became editor of the Community Alliance. A chance to venture into new terrain and grow in an area I was not too familiar with. Somehow I have [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – May 2015

Achievement Gap due to Systemic Inequity By Karen Humphrey  Though I risk being patted on the head and addressed as “dear lady,” I take issue with Mark Arax’s patronizing attack on Ruth Gadebusch for [...] Continue Reading

Earth Day 2015

By George B. Kauffman In 1969, anti–Vietnam War demonstrations convinced Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D–Wisc.) and Rep. Pete McCloskey (R–Calif.) to organize a huge grassroots protest over what was happening [...] Continue Reading

We Can Create Lasting Change

  By Hannah Brandt On Feb. 27, Donna Brazile spoke to a relatively full house in the North Gym at Fresno State while a softball game roared a few meters away. The two events started at about the [...] Continue Reading