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What Was Net Neutrality?

By Osiris Godwin Net neutrality seems to be one of those buzzwords that whizzes past us every day. We don’t notice it or pay it much attention; much like a fern in an office, we just assume that it [...] Continue Reading

Elections Report–Cuba

By Leni Reeves I was in Cuba for the Nov. 26 elections there. Of course, you’ve been told all your life that Cuba doesn’t have elections, but it does. In the United States, communist-dictatorship is [...] Continue Reading

Red to Blue California

“‘President Trump’ are two words that are tough to wake up to every morning,” says Michael Eggman, who ran two insurgent campaigns for Congress as the Democratic nominee in California’s 10th [...] Continue Reading

Impeach Trump Now

By Marc Keyser We are the Resistance. We are united against President Donald Trump. When Trump conspired with Russia to rig the election, he not only broke the law but also committed treason. Trump [...] Continue Reading

House Keys, Not Handcuffs

By Mike Rhodes About 200 people went to Fresno City Hall on Sept. 29 to demand an end to the criminalization of the homeless, following the passing of a No Camping ordinance. The demand for house [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – November 2017

Clarification of TCC Success By Candice Troutman Attn.: Downtown, Chinatown and Southwest Fresno Residents Re: Clarification on the success of TCC Proposal #5 and a Call for Celebration As many have [...] Continue Reading

Poetry Corner: Compassion Politics

Halima Aquino, M.A., launched the Voter Education and Engagement Project (VEEP) in California to better understand why people register but do not vote. The responses to her survey indicated, among [...] Continue Reading