By Natasha Biasell
On Oct. 25, the Fresno City Council voted to approve a direct mailer to all voters in the City of Fresno containing the complete ballot language for Measure P. Due to a clerical error by the city clerk’s office, an incomplete version of the measure’s approved ballot question was printed on all voter ballots, leaving out many of the measure’s crucial benefits. The complete and correct ballot language, as unanimously approved by the City Council, is as follows:
Approval of Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Tax Ordinance
Shall the measure imposing a 3/8 percent sales and use tax, estimated to generate $37.5 million annually for 30 years, improving park safety; improving accessibility for persons with disabilities; updating and maintaining playgrounds and restrooms; providing youth and veteran job training; improving after school, arts and recreational programs; beautifying roadways; and creating parks and trails in neighborhoods without access, with citizen oversight, be adopted?
“This appears to have been an inadvertent mistake on the part of the clerk’s office, and it is important that the city and the county are both diligent in correcting the error as best they can,” said Larry Powell, former Fresno County Superintendent of Schools and co-chair of the Yes on P campaign. “Our primary goal is to make sure all voters in the City of Fresno receive the complete information on Measure P so they can make an informed decision at the polls.”
Measure P will update and improve Fresno’s current parks, trails and facilities, make parks cleaner and safer, create parks in neighborhoods that lack access to them, and improve access to the arts in the City of Fresno. The measure was developed by Fresno for Parks, a diverse, nonpartisan group of Fresno residents who believe that safer, cleaner parks for all Fresnans is important to the health, safety and overall quality of life of our community and placed on the November 2018 ballot after gathering more than 35,000 signatures of local support.
In addition to the benefits listed in the approved ballot question, Measure P provides resources to remove graffiti and reduce homelessness in parks and funds significant projects and amenities throughout the city, including renovating and maintaining Storyland/Playland at Roeding Park, restoring the Fresno Veterans Memorial Auditorium to honor our veterans, and completing and maintaining new trails in the San Joaquin River Parkway system.
For more information about Measure P, or to volunteer on the campaign, visit www.FresnoForParks.com and follow @FresnoForParks on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Learn more at www.FresnoForParks.com.
Natasha Biasell is the founder and owner of Ivy Public Relations, a boutique marketing and PR agency located in Fresno. Natasha currently serves as the communications director for the Yes on P campaign, with the goal of helping fund safe, clean parks throughout Fresno. Natasha lives in the historic Fresno High district with her husband and two children, ages 8 and 5.