Por Eduardo Stanley La candidatura de Elsa Mejía, 32, al ayuntamiento de Madera por el distrito #5, está generando un amplio interés mas allá de los límites de esta ciudad rural ubicada en el [...] Continue Reading
First Indigenous City Council Member in Madera?
Madera will decide who’ll be the new District 5 representative for its City Council on Nov. 2. There are two female candidates for the post that became vacant in January 2021 when Santos Garcia, who [...] Continue Reading
Deception Overload: Roads, Dumps and Perea Politics
By Kevin Hall Measure C remains the biggest deception in town, offering a complete look at how greater Fresno’s lesser political culture operates. From transportation agency staff privately setting [...] Continue Reading
Equity Now in Redistricting
The redistricting process is well underway for several legislative bodies. At the state level, the independent Citizens Redistricting Commission has held several hearings for input on drawing new [...] Continue Reading
Creating Freeway Protest Signage as a Calling
By David E. Roy Chris Wippern, an amiable man, has realized that his truest calling is being a freeway protest sign creator. Part of his joy stems from realizing recently that he is an artist and [...] Continue Reading
EE.UU se vuelve cada vez más diverso
Por Mark Hedin La población de Estados Unidos es más diversa que nunca y cada vez más urbana, según los nuevos datos recogidos en el Censo del 2020. Pero el ritmo del crecimiento de la población en [...] Continue Reading
Elecciones en Madera 2021: ¿Primera Concejal de Origen Indígena?
En las elecciones del próximo 2 de noviembre, Madera decidirá en las urnas quién será el/la representante del distrito #5. Dos mujeres se disputan el puesto que quedó vacante en las elecciones del [...] Continue Reading
Tale of Two Cities: The Continuing Saga
These two maps tell the story of last year’s presidential election in Fresno. Map #1, from the Fresno County Registrar of Voters’ office, shows the November 2020 election results in the City of Fresno [...] Continue Reading
Serving Dead Time Without Answers
By Santarosa Garcia The Fresno County Jail has been devastated by Covid-19 since its first massive outbreak in June 2020.1 As of mid-January, 3,813 inmates at the jail and 171 correctional staff [...] Continue Reading
Covid-19 Spreads Rapidly Among Inmates
By Eduardo Stanley Covid-19 is spreading fast among inmates in jails and prisons everywhere as some people had warned from the beginning of the pandemic—from health officials to journalists. [...] Continue Reading
“Disappointed” Enough for Change?
By Kevin Hall The year 2020 tied 2016 as the hottest in human history. Other new records were set for Arctic heat and wildfires, tropical storms in the Atlantic, and locally, the Creek Fire, the [...] Continue Reading