
By Month

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Fresno Area Chapter ACLU

On January 27, we finally had our day in court. People still remember the televised video of the beating of Glen Beaty, a homeless man, on February 9, 2009. On February 24, 2009, the ACLU faxed, [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Help for the Community Alliance from Inside the Prison Industrial Complex I am writing in regard to your request for help, so that you can continue printing the Community Alliance. Enclosed you will [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

Fresno Police Officers Beat Homeless Man In February 2009, Fresno police officers Jeff Gross and Scott Payn were caught on videotape beating Glen Beaty. Beaty, who was homeless at the time, had been [...] Continue Reading

Know Your Rights!

1. Always be calm and cool; a bad attitude guarantees a bad outcome. 2. Remain silent; what you don’t say can’t hurt you. 3. You have the right to refuse searches; saying no to searches can’t be [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

The Art of Dumpster Diving Explored By Richard Stone The video Dive (to be shown November 10 at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence at noon and 7 p.m.) turns attention to another stupidity of corporate [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

Fresno Police Violate Federal Court Order Protecting the Homeless In January of this year, the City of Fresno violated the settlement agreement protecting homeless people from having their property [...] Continue Reading

The New Jim Crow

Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow is a brilliant history and assemblage of legal decisions, statutes, rules and practices that have incrementally grown since the 1970s to form a system of mass [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

City Gives Homeless the Bum’s Rush The City of Fresno is able to create the illusion, through its capable public relations team, that it is working hard to end homelessness. It has even convinced [...] Continue Reading