The past four weeks have been exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. Let me explain. When I was a little girl, every Election Day, my mom would take me with her to our neighborhood polling [...] Continue Reading
National & International
Cuba Medical Solidarity
By Leni Reeves CUBA SHARES THE LITTLE IT HAS, CARING FOR PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD When Lucius Walker said, "I don't need a license to love my neighbor," some people said "You have lots of [...] Continue Reading
Trumpism is Not Fascism, But it is Equally Terrifying
By Jacob Clark Throughout Trump’s unexpected ascension to the Republican presidential candidacy, he has been repeatedly called a fascist and equated to Hitler by those who rightly criticize him. As is [...] Continue Reading
Machiavellian Politicians
By Jonathan Luevanos The political philosophy of liberalism was introduced in the Western world through rational ideas of freedom and equality. Liberals believe that individuals are endowed with [...] Continue Reading
The Anti-TPP Climate Fight Has Just Begun
By Cherylyn Smith Introduction: Demonstrators broke ground on Monday, July 11th in downtown Fresno, in the fight to defeat the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). The educational, yet spirited, rally [...] Continue Reading
Standing Against Bigotry & Condemning Hateful Statements of Saudi Cleric
By Reza Nekumanesh On September 6th, the highest ranking religious authority in Saudi Arabia, Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Shaykh, declared that Iranians are not Muslims because they are "...descendants of [...] Continue Reading
My Take On the Election
By Mike Starry My take on election campaigning so far reminds me my government's attempts to kill me and my friends by inventing a war in Vietnam, a country now receiving our arms. Researching their [...] Continue Reading
Philly or bust: Fresno activists go to the DNC
By Emily Cameron In the weeks since my return to Fresno after attending the Democratic National Convention with my friend Jill Cisneros, people have been eager to hear a firsthand account. [...] Continue Reading
Justice in Fresno – Recognizing the 1984 Sikh Genocide
By Sharnjit Purewal M.D. In the August issue of Community Alliance, Sudarshan Kapoor’s article “Anti-Sikh Violence in 1984 in India” was published, providing his perspective on the recent [...] Continue Reading
Cuba Moving Forward on its Own Terms
By Gerry Bill I have just completed my ninth trip to Cuba with Pastors for Peace, and, as always, I saw a dynamic, changing society with new pathways opening up all the time. On this recent trip, I [...] Continue Reading
Black Lives Matter and Others in Fresno Protest Police Brutality
By Hannah Brandt In July the nation was rocked once again by police shootings of African Americans. First it was the death of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La. Sterling was a 37-year-old man [...] Continue Reading
Vonnegut on Nagasaki
By John LaForge “The rights and wrongs of Hiroshima are debatable,” Telford Taylor, the chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, once said, “but I have never heard a plausible justification of Nagasaki” — [...] Continue Reading