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La Música Cubana y La Guerra Cultural

Por Peter Maiden Durante la Guerra Fría (1945-1990, el término se refiere a las tensiones entre Estados Unidos y sus aliados contra la entonces Unión Soviética), la cultura se militarizó. La fama [...] Continue Reading

Rallies in Fresno Support Cuba

On the evening of July 24, a caravan in support of the Cuban people assembled at Olive and Wishon avenues, in the parking lot of the Tower Theatre, where they held a brief rally. Caravanners spoke [...] Continue Reading

Cuba’s Role in International Health

By Leni Villagomez Reeves When we are immersed in a dysfunctional system that is pretty good at marketing consumer goods (made elsewhere by cheaper labor) giving us the illusion that we are somehow [...] Continue Reading

El Mallku and Justice in Bolivia

By Juan Trujillo Limones As a result of cardiac arrest, the historic indigenous social leader Felipe Quispe Huanca died at the age of 78 on Jan. 19 in El Alto, Bolivia. The Mallku (community [...] Continue Reading