Por Peter Maiden Durante la Guerra Fría (1945-1990, el término se refiere a las tensiones entre Estados Unidos y sus aliados contra la entonces Unión Soviética), la cultura se militarizó. La fama [...] Continue Reading
National & International
Is This Really about the Cuban People?
This month, it will not surprise you to learn my column is about Cuba. On July 11, there were demonstrations in Cuba. They were not particularly violent or large demonstrations by U.S. or Latin [...] Continue Reading
Rallies in Fresno Support Cuba
On the evening of July 24, a caravan in support of the Cuban people assembled at Olive and Wishon avenues, in the parking lot of the Tower Theatre, where they held a brief rally. Caravanners spoke [...] Continue Reading
Colombia: Is Lucas Villa’s Death a State Crime?
“There has been persecution against my family before and after the attack against my brother, so that was something premeditated; we understand that it is a state crime,” said Sidssy Uribe Vázquez, [...] Continue Reading
Valley Applauds Biden’s Armenian Genocide Declaration
President Joe Biden’s official declaration and recognition of the genocide of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire 106 years ago was greeted with relief and happiness by Fresno’s Armenians and the [...] Continue Reading
Cuba’s Role in International Health
By Leni Villagomez Reeves When we are immersed in a dysfunctional system that is pretty good at marketing consumer goods (made elsewhere by cheaper labor) giving us the illusion that we are somehow [...] Continue Reading
Ecuador Election: Reversing a Betrayal and Restoring the Country
By Leni Villagomez Reeves First round victory—What’s next? The first round of elections in Ecuador was Feb. 7, and running mates Andrés Aráuz and Carlos Rabascall, running on a platform of largely [...] Continue Reading
El Mallku and Justice in Bolivia
By Juan Trujillo Limones As a result of cardiac arrest, the historic indigenous social leader Felipe Quispe Huanca died at the age of 78 on Jan. 19 in El Alto, Bolivia. The Mallku (community [...] Continue Reading
Pro-Trump Insurrection Has Valley Links
By Vic Bedoian As federal authorities scour the nation to identify and arrest members taking part in the death and destruction visited upon the U.S. Capitol last week, Briana Calix of the Fresno [...] Continue Reading
Congressional Members Who Sought to Disenfranchise Communities of Color Targeted
By Pilar Marrero (Editor’s note: Seven pro-Trump California Republicans supported the decertification of the November election, and a coalition of grassroots activists of color in their respective [...] Continue Reading
Local School Board Trustee at Capitol Insurrection
By Sergio Cortes (Editor’s note: Reprinted courtesy of usparkvalley.com.) Sierra Unified School District (SUSD) Trustee James Hoak took part in the assault on the U.S. Capitol in Washington, [...] Continue Reading
Will the Real State Sponsors of Terrorism Please Stand Up?
By Leni Villagomez Reeves Cuba State Sponsor of Terrorism but not Saudi Arabia? The Trump regime placed Cuba on the U.S. State Sponsor of Terrorism list on Jan. 11, just five days after inciting [...] Continue Reading