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#IVoteBecause or #IDoNotVoteBecause

We asked you on our social media pages to tell us why you do or do not vote in national, state, and local elections. We asked if you do not vote to tell us what, if anything, would get you to do [...] Continue Reading

Tower District Pooch Parade

Images by Joel Perez It’s a Halloween event just for dog-lovers! The Tower District hosted the 10th annual Whitie’s Pets Pooch Parade, Canine Carnival & Costume Contest. This doggie to-do took [...] Continue Reading

Walk Like a Slut

By Linda Kobashigawa & Amanda Tripp As if its name isn’t provocative enough, imagine hundreds of women and men dressed in as a little as possible carrying hand-written signs exclaiming that “rape [...] Continue Reading

The Elephant in the Room

By Mike Rhodes There has been a right-wing, conservative Republican in the Fresno mayor’s office since 1993. If you like business as usual and want more of the same, Lee Brand is your guy in the [...] Continue Reading