By Chip Ashley The specter of an aggregate mine on Wa-ha-lish (Jesse Morrow Mountain) lives on. On Aug. 28, on a 2-2 vote, with Supervisor Judy Case recusing herself due to a conflict of interest, [...] Continue Reading
The #OccupySandy Relief Effort: People Power in Action
By Mike Bridges Following Hurricane Sandy, the conditions on the East Coast have been extremely harrowing, but Occupy Wall Street has transformed into #OccupySandy and made a difference. It started [...] Continue Reading
News from Kettleman City
From a Press Release Kettleman City residents and their environmental justice allies applaud the Department of Toxic Substances Control for taking enforcement action today (Nov. 15, 2012) against [...] Continue Reading
The Valley Is Forging a Sustainable Food System, Starting at Home
By the Fresno Food System Alliance On Oct. 14, the New York Times Magazine published a feature article by Mark Bittman titled “Heavenly Earth,” which highlighted the relationship between farmers and [...] Continue Reading
Can Solar Calm the Coming Storm?
By Tom Cotter Going solar is a part of solving the climate disruption we are experiencing. Though climate change failed to emerge as a topic during the 2012 presidential debates, New York Mayor [...] Continue Reading
Building Environmental Justice for Healthy Communities
By Debbie Reyes The Central California Environmental Justice Network (CCEJN) will hold its 2012 biannual conference this month. This year’s theme is “Roots of Resistance: Building Environmental [...] Continue Reading
Supervisors Give in to Cemex Pressure on Jesse Morrow “Re-hearing”
By Chip Ashley Last month, the Community Alliance reported that about two weeks after the Aug. 28 hearing, in which the Board of Supervisors (BOS) voted not to overturn the Planning Commission’s [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air – November 2012
By Tom Frantz Fact checking of candidate statements is a useful exercise during an election season. It is a rational response to politicians striving for public approval. Our air board is made up of [...] Continue Reading
The Community Alliance talks with Kevin Hall
Candidate for State Center Community College District, Trustee Area 7 Why are running at this time? I’m running because I see a problem, and I think I can help. The education bureaucracy is too [...] Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor – Oct. 2012
The Importance of Voting Yes on Measure B As voters peruse their ballots for the Nov. 6 election, it is really important to scan to the end of the ballot and vote Yes to renew Measure B. This measure [...] Continue Reading
Clearing the Air – Oct. 2012: Particulate Matters a Lot
By Kevin Hall In a presentation before a class of 15 Fresno State seniors last month, I conducted a poll of these intelligent, highly educated, computer-literate, smartphone-owning future entrants [...] Continue Reading
Is the Jesse Morrow Mountain Struggle Over?
By Chip Ashley On Aug. 28, the Fresno County Board of Supervisors did not reverse the Planning Commission’s denial of Cemex’s application to mine Jesse Morrow Mountain. So is this fight to save the [...] Continue Reading