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Native American Day

By Richard Iyall In 1939, California Governor Culbert Olson declared Oct. 1 of that year to be Indian Day. That made this state the first to designate a day to honor the indigenous people who were [...] Continue Reading

Who Is Behind David Castillo?

By Leni Villagomez Reeves The Murder of Berta Cáceres Roberto David Castillo Mejía, planner and instigator of the murder of Berta Cáceres in Honduras, was finally convicted in July 2021, more [...] Continue Reading

Green Raiteros in Huron

By Peter Maiden Facing a woefully inadequate transportation situation in the town of Huron, now Huron Mayor Rey León founded the San Joaquin Valley Latino Environmental Advancement Project (Valley [...] Continue Reading

City Seeks Polluter Protections

The Fresno mayor and City Council are working to legally bulletproof future industrial development from citizen lawsuits that challenge their dangerous growth plans. Elected officials seek to wrap a [...] Continue Reading