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Bill McKibben Speech in Fresno

This is an (.mp3) audio file of the Fresno Center for Nonviolence 30th Anniversary held on June 11, 2022 at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Guest Speaker: Bill McKibben. [...] Continue Reading

“Stop Talking to GV Wire”

Them's fightin' words in Fresno, but when the fascists went on a GV Wire–inspired attack at Fresno Unified School District Board meeting in February, Dr. Lars Maischak’s words of warning from a recent [...] Continue Reading

Time to Put a Stop to Oil Drilling

According to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published on April 4, the world must quickly and radically cut its dependence on fossil fuels or face disaster. [...] Continue Reading

Earth Day Redux

At the risk of revealing my age, I want to reminisce briefly about the first Earth Day: April 22, 1970. I was in my freshman year of high school. My civics teacher, Mike Thompson, was right out of [...] Continue Reading

Measure C Redux

Twenty years ago, Fresno County residents fell into acrimonious debate over transportation, land use and air pollution. Fueling tensions was the process being used to renew Measure C, our countywide [...] Continue Reading

Challenges of a Warming Valley Region

Climate change is dramatically affecting virtually every aspect of life in the San Joaquin Valley and our surrounding mountains.  Mostly because of a warming planet, state and region. In 2018, [...] Continue Reading

Can “C” Stand for Community?

Cars, Climate, Clovis: “C” stands for many issues in the emerging debate over priorities for Measure C, our countywide transportation sales tax expiring in 2027. Above all else, it should stand for [...] Continue Reading