
By Month

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Disagree versus Disagreeable

By Ruth Gadebusch What a sad state it is when so many seem to think they must be disagreeable when disagreeing. At this time, the focus is on the Fresno State professor who chose to make [...] Continue Reading

March for Science Fresno

Photos by Peter Maiden Fresno residents gathered on April 14 in Radio Park to defend science for the common good and its role in policy and society. Science has faced increasing threats at the [...] Continue Reading

FTA Elects New President

By Louis Jamerson The Fresno Teachers Association (FTA) has elected a new president, Manuel Bonilla. Bonilla received 82% of the vote. Bonilla is currently a teacher at McLane High School, where he [...] Continue Reading


By Tiffany A. Potter At the time of our deadline, and the weeks prior, we’ve experienced a storm surge of sexual harassment and molestation stories and allegations nationally. From Hollywood elites [...] Continue Reading