
By Month

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Progressive News Briefs

Mayor’s Privatization Scheme Defeated Fresno’s commercial solid waste workers won an important victory when City Council members voted 4-3 to stop a privatization effort led by Mayor Ashley [...] Continue Reading

What about the Homeless in Merced?

As you might guess, the homeless in Merced have as many problems today as they have had every day of their lives, as they try to get by without proper shelter, support and help from a city that would [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor

There are days when I feel like I’m living in a parallel universe. For example, take the 2011 Martin Luther King, Jr., Day march in downtown Fresno, which I attended. The contradictions that held that [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

Help for the Community Alliance from Inside the Prison Industrial Complex I am writing in regard to your request for help, so that you can continue printing the Community Alliance. Enclosed you will [...] Continue Reading

Progressive News Briefs

Fresno Homeless Czar Harasses the Homeless Probably the cleanest homeless encampment in downtown Fresno is on F Street (between Ventura and Santa Clara). The people at that encampment were targeted [...] Continue Reading