
By Month

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Aid to Haiti: Where Does Our Money Go?

By: Patrick Young With over 200,000 dead and a collapsed city, Haiti is desperate for help. The pervasive poverty Haitians have been living with for years is now past the breaking point. With few [...] Continue Reading

Reaping Riches in a Wretched Region

By: Lloyd Carter Subsidized Industrial Farming and Its Link to Perpetual Poverty This two-part series shows how a long American tradition of helping small farmers has, in the past few decades in the [...] Continue Reading

SEIU’s Civil War

By: Bill Fletcher American workers need a labor movement grounded in social justice, not fractured, fighting unions. (This article was originally published by In These Times at For [...] Continue Reading

Fresno Melts Down

By: Dan Waterhouse As 2009 draws to a close, some 125 City of Fresno employees know that their New Year’s Eve will not be a joyous one: When they wake up on New Year’s Day, they will be unemployed [...] Continue Reading

Speaking up for the Homeless

Human Rights Day is an international event sponsored by the United Nations. In Fresno, a press conference was held on December 10 where speakers at a gathering of advocates for the homeless lambasted [...] Continue Reading

Housing is a Human Right

By: Nigel Medhurst Homeless advocates believe that housing is a human right. On December 10, International Human Rights Day, a press conference was held at the Pam Kincaid Neighborhood Center in [...] Continue Reading