You are invited to the next Stop the Hate town hall on March 28 at 5 p.m. at the Pan America Community Center (703 Sherwood Way) in Madera. This is the third Stop the Hate town hall in the Central Valley.
We are building a network to stop hate crimes in Madera and Central California. That will take a coalition that includes community groups, individuals and government agencies.
The first town hall was held in Huron in November and focused on the institutional racism that has left this community without a high school. Students, parents, elected officials and community members came together to develop a strategic plan to build a high school in Huron.
The second town hall was held in Fresno in January and identified the path to ending the violence against marginalized communities: Report all incidents of hate crimes, increase solidarity between impacted groups and build a community that supports diversity.
Planning for the Madera town hall is under way. To assist with the town hall, contact Daren Miller at ibedam@gmail.com.
The Madera Stop the Hate town hall is being organized by the Community Alliance newspaper and the San Joaquin Valley Media Alliance and was made possible by a grant from the California State Library under the statewide Stop the Hate initiative.