Opinion & Analysis

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The Decay Of FUSD

“I’ve never worked for such inept people before.” “When we got back to school in August [2021], it was as if the administration was making it up as they went along.” “[These days] I go to my job [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor

(Editor’s note: The letters below are in response to “Fourth Grade Student with a History Lesson Confronts School District,” which appeared in the September 2021 issue of the Community Alliance [...] Continue Reading

Troubling Contradictions

By Ruth Gadebusch Try as I might, I simply can’t understand so many of the right wing’s inconsistent stands. Calling themselves pro life, nowhere is contradiction more true than in their [...] Continue Reading

Neither Rhyme nor Reason

By Ruth Gadebusch How did science get to be held in such low esteem in this nation? I’m not referring to someone on the street with little or no opportunity to be exposed to science as believers [...] Continue Reading

Anti-Asian Hate and Racism

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have seen a rapid increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans. The mass shootings in Atlanta and Indianapolis have shocked the conscience of the [...] Continue Reading

Both Good and Evil

As we busy ourselves in our attempts to cleanse history by stripping street signs, changing school names and knocking down statues, we had best pause and think how future generations will judge our [...] Continue Reading