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Freedom According to the Zapatistas

By Patricia Wells Solorzano (Author’s note: In August 2013, after years of little news from the Zapatistas, the Escuelitas Zapatistas (little schools) took place in Zapatista territory. Some people [...] Continue Reading

And so Greens Must Carry On and On…

By Richard Gomez “Apathy isn’t it. We can do something. So flower power didn’t work. So what. We start again.” —John Lennon The California Greens continue to run and win local elections—10 out of 19 [...] Continue Reading

Stop the Slaughter

By Ernesto Saavedra It’s June 16, 4 p.m., I’m on my bike and I’m running late. I’m pedaling like I’ve never pedaled before, ignoring my aching thighs and sweat in my eyes. I get a rush as I approach, [...] Continue Reading

Medical Marijuana versus Fresno County

By Community Alliance Staff Depending on what social circle you surround yourself with, marijuana, sometimes called “weed” and/or “grass,” can be embraced with open arms or looked down upon. Whatever [...] Continue Reading

The Kochocracy

By Will Durst In the bad old days, medieval German lords figured out how to pocket some quick coin by charging a toll on the primitive paths meandering across their lands. The money wasn’t used to [...] Continue Reading

Resistance, Solidarity and Hope

By Leni Reeves For more than 50 years, the United States has maintained a trade, economic and financial blockade against Cuba. We don’t trade with Cuba. We attempt to cut off their access to credit [...] Continue Reading