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Uprooting Racism Project Reactivated

By Vickie M. Fouts The Uprooting Racism Project grew out of a book discussion using Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice by Paul Kivel. It was sponsored by the Women’s [...] Continue Reading

Climate Change: Effect on the Oceans

By George B. Kauffman (Editor’s note: The sources for the information included herein are available in the online version of this article.) The latest comprehensive assessment carried out by the [...] Continue Reading

Kern County Fracking Field Trip

By Ron Martin Tom Frantz, Kern County farmer-activist, led about 25 members of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and Fresnans against Fracking on a tour of sites of polluting [...] Continue Reading

Failing Codes

By Simone Cranston-Rhodes It is the day before Thanksgiving, and I am bundled up against the cold as I walk around Summerset apartments with my companion Gone Nanthadeth. Many of us will be thankful [...] Continue Reading

Why Is Recent Film “Too Political”?

By Angela Price As a Board member of the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, I routinely seek films that we might show, films that are “cutting edge,” often beautiful to look at and always provocative. [...] Continue Reading