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From the Editor – September 2013

The culture of death and destruction at City Hall is threatening this community’s most vulnerable residents with a policy that they hope will be the “final solution” to homelessness in Fresno. I was [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – September 2013

Should We Destroy the Fulton Mall to Save Downtown Fresno? Your recent editorial on the Fulton Mall raises several important questions regarding the city’s planned course of action for the mall. The [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – August 2013

By Mike Rhodes The next big thing to create an upheaval in the political/economic landscape of Fresno will be the struggle over downtown development, specifically around the Fulton Mall. Powerful [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – August 2013

Addressing Increase in Water Bills Doubling water bills in one of America’s poorest regions? Shame! Shame on the Fresno City Council if they should dare to double home water bills after years of [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – July 2013

After decades of mismanagement of the city budget by a series of Republican mayors, Ashley Swearengin planned to balance the budget by throwing our award-winning sanitation workers under the bus. The [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – July 2013

Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable Bravo for the riveting Special Edition of the Community Alliance, and hats off to Mark Arax and his students for muckraking work of the highest [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – June 2013

In the middle of May, the Community Alliance newspaper published a Special Edition about the barbaric treatment of the mentally ill in the Fresno County Jail. We have reprinted “Freefall into Madness” [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – June 2013

Fresno County Jail’s Barbaric Treatment of the Mentally Ill (Editor’s note: These are some of the comments that we received in the first two days following the distribution of our Special Edition, [...] Continue Reading

From the Guest Editor – May 2013

Community Alliance Editor Mike Rhodes and his family enjoyed a trip to Europe in the weeks leading up to the publication of this month’s issue. In his stead, Associate Editor Michael Evans served as [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – May 2013

The Truth about the Fulton Mall To call the Fulton Mall a “mall” is misleading. It’s truly an urban oasis. A melting pot. It’s the only place in Fresno where the cultures get to meet and interact. As [...] Continue Reading

From the Editor – April 2013

It was an honor for the Community Alliance to be a part of the ¡Que Vivan Los San Patricios! Saint Patrick’s Day Concert and Dance on March 17. The Fresno City College Old Administration Auditorium [...] Continue Reading

Letters to the Editor – April 2013

Memorial Honoring Crash Victims January 28 marked an important historical anniversary. Sixty-five years ago, a chartered immigration plane crashed and burned in Los Gatos Canyon near Coalinga. [...] Continue Reading