From the Editor

From the Editor
Ernesto Saavedra

By Ernesto Saavedra

Ernesto Saavedra
Ernesto Saavedra

All right, I know what might be going through your head, ā€œNow whoā€™s this new person trying to be the editor for the Community Alliance? What happened to so and so? Whereā€™s Mike Rhodes at?ā€ Like many of you, Iā€™ve been on the sidelines wondering the same things. The progressive community here in Fresno is small, so word gets around fast. Eventually, word got to me that the position for editor of the Community Alliance was open so I applied and now Iā€™m hereā€”hoping to make your reading experience as thought-provoking, motivating and exciting as possible.

About myself, I am the son of economic refugees from Mexico. My dad migrating from Michoacan, my mother from Nayarit. They met in Los Angeles, and I came shortly after. When I was about four, we moved to ā€œThe Best Little City in the USAā€ and have been here ever since.

Iā€™ve dedicated most of my adult years, thus far, to being active in the community as an activist, writer and poet. Considered a ā€œradicalā€ by some, I believe in nonconforming/conventional thought and action and I highly encourage it. Whenever I have down time, you might catch me riding my bike, at the local remate (swap meet) or just hanginā€™ out around town. With all this, I humbly come to you as your local progressive news editor. Now to this monthā€™s issueā€¦

May 1 has been a day to hit the streets and challenge the system, but how did it all start? Paul Gilmore does a great job breaking down the history of May Day in his piece ā€œMay Day Comes Homeā€ and how a new group, made up mostly of immigrants, has kept this tradition of protest alive. Speaking of which, thereā€™s a May Day march happening here in Fresno so check it out if you can.

Grisanti Valencia brings to light the intersections of being undocumented and queer, something rarely talked about in ā€œprogressiveā€ circles much less in the corporate conservative media. Itā€™s election season and if you choose to vote, make sure youā€™re educated on whoā€™s running for what and whoā€™s supporting who.

Of course, we cannot forget that this month is a time to honor our mothers. Our mothers at birth, our adopted mothers, our Mother Earth. Do your part in honoring all mothers by donating to the Mothers Helping Mothers campaign (more details inside) and reading up on whatā€™s happening with our water and air here in the Central Valley and how you can participate.

Lastly, I just want to say thank you for supporting the Community Alliance, especially during this time of growth. Change is good, but the process is ongoing and I look forward to taking this journey with you. Enjoy!

In struggle.


  • Community Alliance

    The Community Alliance is a monthly newspaper that has been published in Fresno, California, since 1996. The purpose of the newspaper is to help build a progressive movement for social and economic justice.

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