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The Out-of-State Transfer Scam

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is again making a mad dash over the borders with large numbers of prisoners in an expensive attempt to reduce overcrowding within its [...] Continue Reading

Credo: Profiles of Activist Elders

When people ask me how the Fresno Center for Nonviolence has kept its doors open so long—now going on 18 years—I often give a one-word answer: “Angela.” Which is shorthand for saying that my esteemed [...] Continue Reading

Grass Roots Profile: Meet Steve Malm

These profiles are intended to give recognition to some of the individuals who make important contributions to our progressive community and to illustrate the numerous forms their service can take. [...] Continue Reading

Staying Busy Inside

Recently, a friend (on the outside) asked how someone in prison keeps from “going crazy” after spending a significant amount of time behind bars. “What do you do to help pass the time?” he asked. That [...] Continue Reading

CREDO: Meet Georgia Linscheid

Georgia Linscheid describes herself as a “thoroughbred Mennonite,” with ancestors from the Old Country who became pioneer farmers in the U.S. Midwest. She grew up in a Mennonite community in Ohio, on [...] Continue Reading

Pill Call

There are multiple schools of thought about what sort of healthcare California prisoners should receive. Some folks blurt out that convicts deserve little if any help in the way of medical services. [...] Continue Reading